Here is a list of courses that I have taught, students I have mentored, prelims I have tutored, and a course I helped design materials for at the University of Connecticut.
- Fall 2024: MATH 2705W Technical Writing in Mathematics (Instructor)
- Spring 2024: MATH 2705W Technical Writing in Mathematics (Instructor)
- Fall 2023: MATH 1071Q Calculus for Business and Economics (Instructor)
- Spring 2023: MATH 2210Q Applied Linear Algebra (Instructor)
- Fall 2022: MATH 1020Q Problem Solving (Instructor)
- Spring 2022: MATH 1132Q Calculus II (TA)
- Fall 2021: MATH 1132Q Calculus II Honors (TA)
- Spring 2021: MATH 1132Q Calculus II (TA)
- Fall 2020: MATH 1131Q Calculus I (TA)
Students mentored through UConn’s Directed Reading Program (DRP):
- Spring 2023: Sarah Hocutt, project on mathematical cryptography (presentation)
- Spring 2022: Sierra Woods, project on elliptic curves (presentation)
Prelims tutored at UConn:
- Summer 2023: Algebra prelim
- Winter 2022: Algebra prelim
MATH 3710 Mathematical Modeling:
Summer 2022 I was apart of a CLAS Course Improvement Mini Grant with David T. McArdle. The goal was to create a modular, inquiry-based modeling course. In particular, the learning objectives of the modules were to have the students
- demonstrate an understanding of how mathematical models can be implemented in various STEM fields,
- apply mathematical techniques from calculus, differential equations, and discrete mathematics to create and analyze models, and
- communicate solutions to mathematical modeling problems through the use of presentations and expository writing.
As a result, I designed the following 2-week module on a climate model: the energy balance model. Here is the self-guided (group) activity that the students are expected to complete in the first week and here is the video assignment that the students are expected to complete in the second week.